Business Tools

10 Push Notification Strategies to Boost App Engagement

Cam Acuña
Table of Contents

Push notifications can make or break your fitness app. Here's how to use them effectively:

  1. Custom Workout Reminders
  2. Goal-Based Messages
  3. Diet and Nutrition Updates
  4. Progress Highlights
  5. Class and Event Alerts
  6. Special Offers
  7. User Feedback Requests
  8. Fitness Challenges
  9. Local Fitness Updates
  10. New App Features

Key stats:

  • Up to 88% increase in app engagement
  • 400% boost in reaction rates with personalization
  • 30-60% average open rate

Best practices:

  • Personalize messages
  • Time notifications well (often 8-11 PM)
  • Keep it brief (about 10 words)
Strategy Purpose Example
Custom Reminders Boost attendance "Your Yoga class is tomorrow at 6:30 AM"
Goal-Based Motivate users "500 steps to go! A quick walk will hit your target"
Progress Updates Celebrate wins "You've lost 5 pounds this month. Crushing it!"
Special Offers Drive sales "24-hour flash sale! 30% off all protein powders"
Challenges Increase engagement "30-Day Plank Challenge starts tomorrow. You in?"

Remember: Make notifications users WANT to see. Test, learn, and adjust to make your app part of their daily routine.

Custom Workout Reminders

Custom workout reminders can boost user engagement and commitment. Here's how to use them effectively:

1. Timing

Send reminders 24 hours before the workout. For example:

"Your Yoga class is tomorrow at 6:30 AM. Spots are filling up - confirm now!"

2. Personalization

Tailor messages to user preferences:

"Time to shake it! Your Zumba session is tomorrow, 6:30-7:30 AM. See you there!"

3. Flexibility

Let users easily reschedule or remove reminders.

4. Push notifications

Use push notifications for higher engagement (8% average click-through rate).

5. Brevity

Keep notifications to 60-100 characters for clarity on iOS and Android.

6. Call-to-action

Include a clear CTA:

"Spin class in 30 minutes. Tap to confirm!"

7. Follow-up

Send a friendly reminder after missed sessions:

"Missed you at spin class! Book your next session here."

2. Goal-Based Messages

Goal-based messages can supercharge user engagement in your fitness app. Here's how to make them work:

1. Set clear objectives

Ask users about their fitness goals when they sign up. Weight loss? Muscle gain? Better health?

2. Track progress

Monitor users' activities and progress. This data fuels your personalized messages.

3. Send timely reminders

Use push notifications to nudge users towards their goals:

"500 steps to go! A quick walk will hit your daily target."

4. Celebrate milestones

Boost morale by acknowledging achievements:

"You've lost 5 pounds this month. Crushing it!"

5. Provide relevant tips

Offer goal-specific advice:

"Building muscle? Add these 3 protein-rich foods to your diet this week."

6. Re-engage inactive users

Gently remind users who've been MIA:

"No workouts logged this week. Ready to jump back in?"

3. Diet and Nutrition Updates

Push notifications can supercharge user engagement with nutrition goals. Here's how:

1. Personalized meal suggestions

Send timely, tailored meal ideas:

"Lunchtime! Craving a protein boost? Try a quinoa salad to fuel your workout."

2. Nutrient tracking reminders

Nudge users to log meals:

"Quick check-in: Log your breakfast in 30 seconds flat."

3. Educational tips

Dish out bite-sized nutrition facts:

"Pro tip: Protein-rich foods keep you fuller longer. Greek yogurt, anyone?"

4. Progress updates

Celebrate nutrition wins:

"You're on fire! 5-day protein goal streak. Keep crushing it!"

5. Seasonal food suggestions

Spotlight in-season produce:

"Strawberry season is here! Low-cal, vitamin C powerhouses. Snack time?"

4. Progress Highlights

Push notifications can supercharge user engagement in your fitness app. Here's how to use progress highlights to keep users motivated:

1. Milestone celebrations

Congrats users on hitting key goals. MyFitnessPal does this for weight loss milestones and workout streaks.

2. Streak reminders

Nudge users about their ongoing streaks. Try something like: "7-day meal logging streak! Don't break the chain!"

3. Weekly summaries

Recap users' weekly wins. It shows your app's value and gives a big-picture view of progress.

4. Personal best alerts

Let users know when they've outdone themselves. This works for workout time, weights lifted, or distance run.

5. Goal progress updates

Keep users in the loop on their goals. Example: "You're 75% to your monthly workout target!"

To make these notifications pop:

  • Use the user's name and specific achievements
  • Time them right - when users are likely to engage
  • Keep it short and sweet
  • Add a clear next step - like "Open app to see more"

Remember: good notifications feel like a pat on the back, not a nag. They should make users want to open your app, not mute it.

5. Class and Event Alerts

Class and event alerts can skyrocket your app engagement and attendance. Here's how to nail them:

1. Timing is everything

Send two reminders: one 24 hours before and another 30 minutes before the class starts. This gives your users time to plan and get ready.

2. Make it personal

Use names and specifics. For example:

"Sarah! Your Zumba class kicks off in 30 minutes in Studio B. Let's dance!"

3. Pack in the essentials

Your alerts should include:

  • Class name
  • Date and time
  • Location
  • Any must-knows (like "Bring a yoga mat")

4. Use location smarts

If you've got location permissions, ping users when they're near your gym. It's great for last-minute sign-ups.

5. Keep it actionable

Add buttons so users can quickly:

  • Confirm they're coming
  • Cancel their spot
  • Add the class to their calendar

6. Sell the sizzle

Remind them why they should show up:

"Tonight's HIIT class: Torch 500 calories in 45 minutes. You in?"

7. Follow up

After the class, send a quick thanks and ask for feedback. It keeps the conversation going and shows you care.


6. Special Offers

Push notifications about special offers can boost app engagement. Here's how to make them work:

Create urgency: Use limited-time offers to prompt quick action.

"24-hour flash sale! 30% off all protein powders. Tap to shop now!"

Personalize: Tailor offers based on user preferences and behavior.

"Exclusive for yoga lovers: Buy 5 classes, get 1 free. This week only!"

Reactivate dormant users: Send promotions to users who haven't opened the app in a while. Sephora does this with 20% off favorite products for inactive users.

Seasonal promotions: Align offers with holidays or seasons.

"Summer body ready? Get 25% off our 3-month membership. Offer ends June 30th!"

Referral bonuses: Encourage users to bring friends on board.

"Bring a friend, get 15% off your next month. They get 15% too!"

Abandoned cart reminders: Prompt users to complete their purchase with a small incentive.

"Your protein shake is waiting! Complete your order now for free shipping."

New feature promos: Boost engagement with new app features by offering a trial or discount.

"Try our new AI workout planner free for 30 days. Tap to activate!"

Timing is key. Send push notifications when users are likely to engage, and always include a clear call-to-action.

7. User Feedback Requests

Want to boost your app? Ask users what they think. Here's how to use push notifications for feedback:

  1. Time it right: Ask after key tasks. Southwest does this post-booking or cancellation.

  2. Keep it short: Aim for 1-minute surveys. CD Baby tells users theirs takes 30 seconds.

  3. Give options: Let users choose:

    • Quick star ratings
    • Multiple-choice
    • Optional comments
  4. Say thanks: Show appreciation. Sephora gives Beauty Insiders 100 bonus points for a 20-minute survey.

  5. Use feedback: Tell users about changes you've made. They'll be more likely to help next time.

"77% of customers view brands better when they ask for feedback." - Microsoft

Slack nails it: Users can send feedback in-app with "/feedback". Simple, right?

Remember: Get insights without annoying users. It's a win-win.

8. Fitness Challenges

Fitness challenges can supercharge your app engagement. Here's how to use push notifications to make them work:

1. Kick things off

"30-Day Plank Challenge starts tomorrow. You in?"

2. Keep 'em going

"Day 5: Can you plank for 45 seconds?"

3. Share progress

"Halfway there! Group total: 1,000 plank minutes. Crushing it!"

4. Spark competition

"You're now 3rd in the Step Challenge. 1,000 more steps for the lead!"

5. Celebrate wins

"You did it! 30-Day Plank Challenge complete. Your core's on fire!"

"Challenges break monotony, build community, and help clients hit goals faster."

Popular fitness challenges:

Challenge Duration Goal
Plank 30 days Longer plank time
Step Count 1 week/month Daily step target
Weight Loss 4-8 weeks % body weight loss

Track progress, celebrate wins. It'll keep users hooked on your app.

9. Local Fitness Updates

Push notifications can connect users to their local fitness scene. Here's how to make it work:

  1. Nearby Classes: "Hot yoga in 30 minutes at Zen Studio, 2 blocks away!"

  2. Local Events: "5K charity run this Saturday at Central Park. 500+ runners expected!"

  3. Weather-Based Tips: "Sunny in Boston! Join our outdoor HIIT class at 5 PM."

  4. Community Challenges: "200 Clevelanders are doing our 30-day plank challenge. Starting Monday!"

  5. Partner Promotions: "Show this for 20% off at Healthy Eats, next to your gym!"

Making these notifications effective:

Do This Not That
Use precise locations Send generic updates
Limit to 1-2 per day Overwhelm with alerts
Offer clear value Push sales messages only
Allow easy opt-out Make preferences hard to manage

The goal? Enhance user experience, not annoy them. Smart, local updates can make your app indispensable.

"Location-based push notifications can lead to a 42% increase in customer interaction due to their relevance." - IBM Study

10. New App Features

Smart push notifications keep users informed about your app's latest upgrades. Here's how to nail it:

1. Highlight key benefits

Focus on how new features boost the user's fitness journey. Example:

"NEW: AI workout planner - Get custom routines based on YOUR goals!"

2. Use visuals

Add screenshots or short GIFs. They grab attention and explain updates fast.

3. Offer quick tutorials

Link to short guides or videos:

"Tap to master our new progress tracker in 60 seconds!"

4. Time it right

Send notifications when users are likely to engage. Skip peak workout hours or late nights.

5. Segment your audience

Target based on user behavior. Send strength training updates to frequent weightlifters.

Do Don't
Keep it short and clear Overload with tech details
Spotlight 1-2 key features List every tiny change
Give a clear call-to-action Assume users will explore
Let users opt out Force every update alert

The goal? Inform and excite, not annoy. Show users you're always improving their experience.

"Users getting push notifications in their first 90 days have a 3X higher app retention rate than those who don't." - Mobile App Daily


Push notifications can make or break your app's success. Use them right, and you'll keep users coming back. Use them wrong, and you'll send users running.

Here's what you need to remember:

1. Make it personal

Tailor messages to each user. You'll get 4x more opens.

2. Time it right

Send when users are ready to engage. Not during workouts or late at night.

3. Stay relevant

Over half of users want info that matters to them. Don't waste their time.

4. Go beyond text

Rich media boosts open rates by 56%. Use it.

5. Know your audience

Segment well and you could see 218% more clicks.

6. Keep improving

Watch your stats. One fitness app boosted engagement 25% by tweaking frequency.

7. Give users control

71% of uninstalls happen because of notifications. Let users choose what they get.

The stats don't lie:

"90% of individuals who receive push notifications actually open them." - Mobile App Daily

But don't abuse this power. Put users first. Test, learn, and adjust.

Your mission? Create notifications users WANT to see. Nail this, and your app will become part of their daily routine.


How to make effective push notifications?

Want to boost app engagement? Here's how to create push notifications that work:

1. Personalize

Tailor messages to each user's behavior and preferences. This can boost engagement 4x compared to generic messages.

2. Time it right

Send when users are likely to engage. For fitness apps, try before or after typical workout times.

3. Keep it short

Users get about 46 notifications daily. Make yours stand out with concise, easy-to-scan text.

4. Add value

Every notification should benefit the user. Eatstreet, for example, gives real-time pizza delivery updates.

5. Use visuals

Add images or emojis to grab attention.

6. Create urgency

Boxed targets cart abandoners with time-limited offers to prompt action.

7. Find the right frequency

Aim for 2 notifications per day or 100-125 over 60 days to minimize uninstalls.

Notifications per day Uninstall Percentage
2 0.25%
3 0.12%
4 0.07%
5 0.04%

Remember: It's about quality, not quantity. Make each notification count.

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Cam Acuña
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